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EHG Ennshafen GmbH
Donaustrasse 3
4470 Enns / AUSTRIA
Phone: +43 7223 841 51-0
Fax: +43 7223 841 51-110

Register of companies No: FN 253654 x, LG Steyr
Commercial court: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Linz-Land
DVR No: 0181757
VAT No: ATU 61221966

General Management: Werner Auer, Jörg Praher


As a public-private partnership, the ENNSHAFEN port represents a joint endeavor between government and business. Our economically sound long-term vision and our efficient organization all provide a solid foundation for the continuing expansion of our port infrastructure – an outcome that benefits the wider economy.The ENNSHAFEN port and the business parks of Enns and Ennsdorf are collaboratively marketed by Ennshafen OÖ GmbH and Ennshafen NÖ GmbH as EHG Ennshafen GmbH.



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